Ms. Mika's The Writer 4 U!

This blog's where I feel free to post my creative writings, thoughts for the moment...perhaps the day, eventually pics and yes, the occasional rant; truthfully it's mostly to post my writings. I'm hoping to gain greater insight as to how I can hone my skill by means of your open and honest feed back and perhaps...who knows, with your help I could one day become the next great #1 best selling author!

Monday, August 22, 2005

A Moment In Poetry

Little Girl
Little girl, little girl...why don't you smile...

Little girl, little girl...will you please...for just a little while...

Little girl, little girl...did someone hurt you, you can tell...
Little girl, little girl...if they did, don't dwell...
Little girl, little girl, my little girl...
Momma's here to kiss...and make all well.

Copyright 2005 by Tamika Woods. All Rights Reserved.

Friday, August 19, 2005

Happy Birthday To Me!

It's my birthday!

Wish me a happy Birthday!

Here's a list of famous and not so famous individuals that share my birthday!

Thursday, August 18, 2005

"I'm Still a Woman" (Excerpt #3)

Karen’s the next oldest, she’s thirty and owns a string of beauty salons in the ghetto. She doesn’t have any children and thinks anyone who does is a complete loser--excluding Tricia of course. But I believe she secretly wishes she had children of her own, I see how she looks at Tricia’s kids. But if the Lord’s willing, we’ll all have families of our own…one day. Anywho back to reality, Karen’s been dating a lovely woman by the name of Melinda. They met about three years ago in a wedding of a mutual friend and have been inseparable every since. Melinda wasn’t Karen’s first lover, she’s had her share--not calling my sister horeish or anything. I just want everyone to know this isn’t a fad, this is who she is; and I admire her courage to be how she really is. Yes, my sister’s gay. And it’s not a problem…well, for us it isn’t, but you know momma wasn’t feeling it at all… “What do you mean, you’re gay!” Exclaimed momma as she clutched her chest and feel backward onto the couch. “I’ve been gay, momma.” Karen tried explaining to both our parents and had all of us there merely as support, because we already knew, I think we always knew. “I can’t believe this!” Declared daddy as he walked away. “Daddy, come back!” Called Karen with eyes full of tears. “Dad, come back and listen.” Added Kylyn as he guided daddy back towards the living room. “Karen, when did this happen? Did I not show you enough love--perhaps I showed you too much love!” Questioned momma as she searched her memory for hidden clues of her child’s homosexuality. “Momma, it had nothing to do with you…or dad. I was born this way.” “Ok, it must have been something I did during my pregnancy.” “No, momma. I didn’t mean it like that…it’s just the way I was made…formed in your womb.” “You all knew about this?” Questioned daddy as he slowly sat back down next to momma, clutching her hand. “I think we all kind of knew…yes, we knew.” Answered Kylyn as he placed a comforting arm around Karen. “And you all are ok with this?” Continued dad. “Karen’s our sister, dad. If she wanted to be a dog, a cat, a house…or gay…we still love her and accept her for who she is…that’s what family does.” I answered. “You’re right…Karen, this isn’t easy for your mom and I, but we love you…and always will. Just bare with us, we’ll work this out together.” And he hugged his daughter and she cried in his arms like she were that little girl he once picked up when she fell from riding her bike. “Ain’t that right, baby?” Turning to question momma. Everyone, especially Karen was waiting for momma to respond…she never did. She just got up and went into the other room. This only made Karen cried even more. “There, there little girl,” Consoled daddy, “Your mother is just going to need a little time is all. Don’t fret…it’ll work out.” And it did work out, momma accepts Karen for who she is…her daughter. Plain and simple. Now Karen does own salons in the ghetto, however that doesn’t mean she’s ghetto, that would be my baby sister, Renee’, Jr. That’s right, I said junior, momma named her after herself! Now how vain can ya be! ========================== Here's a peek at the next excerpt...
But anywho about Renee’, Jr.. She works as the district manager for Karen’s salons, but she’s not good at it--at all! But to keep momma’s mouth shut Karen keeps her on payroll, which I don‘t think is going to last too much longer. To make sure her business remains in the black, Karen has Rhonda, a stylist and the assistant manager of her salon on the northwest side ‘assist’ Junior. That’s right, Rhonda rides from store to store with Junior making sure everything’s so-so--of course Karen has to compensate her greatly for the missed clientle, but to keep momma‘s mouth shut…well, you know how it is.

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

A Moment In Poetry

Introduction to Poetry
Billy Collins
I ask them to take a poem and hold it up to the light like a color slide
or press an ear against its hive.
I say drop a mouse into a poem and watch him probe his way out,
or walk inside the poem's room and feel the walls for a light switch.
I want them to waterski across the surface of a poem waving at the author's name on the shore.
But all they want to do is tie the poem to a chair with rope and torture a confession out of it.
They begin beating it with a hose to find out what it really means.
From The Apple that Astonished Paris, 1996University of Arkansas Press, Fayetteville, Ark.Permissions information. Copyright 1988 by Billy Collins. All rights reserved. Reproduced with permission.

Monday, August 08, 2005

Girlfriends or Good Hoes?

~ Girlfriends ~

Too Sex In The City? Are they going too far or far enough?

Saturday, August 06, 2005

"I'm Still a Woman" (Excerpt #2)

Ok, I'm gonna try it again...keep your fingers crossed! Chapter One ~A SHORT SYNOPSIS ~ Now my three sisters are a treat. Patricia, Tricia for short (Daa) is the eldest, she’s thirty-two years old and has been married and divorced three times working on her fourth and always wants to give advise on love and relationships. Ironically that’s what she does for a living, she’s a psychologist who specializes in relationships, needless to say, no one listens to her--at least in this family. And if any of her patients knew her personal life was in such shambles, I don’t believe they would either. She has four sons, one by each husband, they’ll all juniors and each was a trip--I’m speaking of her husband that is; let me break it down for you. First she met and married crazy Stacey when she was twenty…“Mom, I love him! Besides…I’m pregnant.” “Tricia, baby no!” “Yeah, we’re going to get married.” “Baby, no! He thinks little green men are talking to him.” “Lots of people do.” “No…lots of crazy people do--and besides he believes they’re talking to him through your underwire bra!” “I don’t buy those kind anymore, besides he just has a creative mind.” “Honey, that’s the problem…he doesn’t have a mind--for Pete’s sake, your sisters call him crazy Stacey!” Needless to say, divorce number one. Next she married Rod-the-Bod when she was twenty-three…“Mom, I love him! Besides…I’m pregnant.” “I thought you weren’t dating him anymore, especially since he hit you.” “He says he’s sorry and that he loves me and promises it’ll never happen again.” “Unreal. So, is that what he told you?” “He promised, mom.” “Oh really. Well, why don’t you go dig up my dead sister Vicky and ask her about a husband’s promise not to hit you anymore!” “Momma, it’s not like that!” “’If he hits once, he’ll hit twice. When he‘s tried of that, he‘ll try a knife, when all else fails, he’ll take your life.’ That was my sister’s last poem…you remember we found it the day after she was found shot to death in her home.” “Oh, momma…” …divorce number two. Then there was Porno Bruno when she was twenty-seven…“Mom, I love him! Besides…I’m pregnant.” “Not by that porno freak! And have you ever heard of the ‘pill‘, it works wonders, ya know!” “Mom!” “You’re pregnant by that porn addict?” “He promises to give it up for good this time!” “Isn’t that what he said the time you caught him downloading pictures of women having sex with horses--and what about this last time when the police arrested him for soliciting a minor online!” “He said that was a mistake, he thought the girl was a woman--that‘s what she told him.” “And the emails stating she was fourteen didn’t give him--no! Better yet give you, a clue that he was lying?” “He was framed, momma! You know the police have it in for the black-man!” “Is it that you can’t understand or you just won’t!“ “What do you mean?” “Are you really that naïve? [A sadden half chuckling in disbelief] You don’t get do you, Tricia? The man shouldn’t have been soliciting anyone!” “No, I’m not that naïve, mother. I’m just pregnant and my child needs a father.” “That was a decision you should have though about before you got pregnant…for the third time.” …divorce number three. And presently there’s Bill the paleontologist, he’s pretty safe, but she treats him like complete and utter crap, future divorce number four. Now on to my sister Karen. Here's a peek at tomorrow's excerpt...
Karen’s the next oldest, she’s thirty and owns a string of beauty salons in the ghetto. She doesn’t have any children and thinks anyone who does is a complete loser--excluding Tricia of course. But I believe she secretly wishes she had children of her own, I see how she looks at Tricia’s kids. But if the Lord’s willing, we’ll all have families of our own…one day. Anywho back to reality, Karen’s been dating a lovely woman by the name of Melinda. They met about three years ago in a wedding of a mutual friend and have been inseparable every since. Melinda wasn’t Karen’s first lover, she’s had her share--not calling my sister horeish or anything. I just want everyone to know this isn’t a fad, this is who she is; and I admire her courage to be how she really is. Yes, my sister’s gay. And it’s not a problem…well, for us it isn’t, but you know momma wasn’t feeling it at all…

Friday, August 05, 2005

"He's Leaving"---Gladys Knight

Today is the last day I will see the young man that ignited a fire within me...that made me feel like a woman again...that made me feel again... He's moving to Kalamazoo...he's emailing his info so we can keep in touch. But is that enough? I suppose it will have to be...I will miss him...he was really nice on the eyes and funny too...(sigh) yeah, he made me laugh...gave me words of encouragement...just a really "special" man. He will make someone a very good man...someone else...hump. Someone else? I guess so... Yes, I'm going to miss him, this...this young man that ignited a fire within me...that made me feel like a woman again...that made me feel again...

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

To Spank or Not to Spank, That's My Question

This question I pose to everyone, be you a parent or not.
Do You Believe In Spankings?
Is so, why? If not, why not?
I for one, BELIEVE!!!

The Party's Over!

"I'm Still a Woman" (Excerpt #2) FINAL EXCERPT! There won't be any more excerpts from my latest work due to "glitches" (that’s me being gracious with the wording) in the blog system. I have experienced twice now after saving posts as drafts upon opening them for editing purposes my work has been replaced with someone else's posts! This is extremely disconcerting and it shouldn't be happening, but it has and it does. So, I forewarn you, be careful what you post!